One of our classy couponing friends asked how to streamline all the stores' ads to determine the best price match.
This my friend is a simple question with lots of different answers, but I will share how I streamline ads.
Next, I go through ads to find out where the best deal is on what I need.
I write the store's PM (Price Match) name next to the product on my list.
When I head to the store, I take all the ads and pull out the ad that I need as I PM.
Price matching can consume your time, so my advice is to ALWAYS make a list first.
If you run accross something that is to good of a deal not to pass up and it wasn't on your list, then add to your list as you go.
I only use ads from about 3-5 different stores so it's not OVERWHELMING, but if you have more time than I do, feel free to look at as many ads as you want!
Hope this helps!!!
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